It's the results

“Dimabay was launched on the German market in 2009 as the first network for print-to-web marketing. Today, Dimabay is the European market leader for magazine and package inserts and active in 15 countries. The driving force behind our success: a consistent focus on advertising results. The focus is not on the placement of inserts, but on the return of investment. With a decade of campaign experience and the knowledge gained from several million individual data records, we align campaigns to achieve an optimal balance between costs and revenues. In doing so, Dimabay uses algorithms that record all variables along the process chain, from the paper weight of the insert to the addressing of the target group potentials in the Dimabay network. Regionally, nationally, internationally – with individually tailored campaigns we achieve the best possible results for our customers.”.

Martin Ehrentreich

Gründer und Geschäftsführer

Lars Nottehed


Herzlich willkommen

Our team will be happy to answer all your questions

We are a young and dynamic team of international specialists with various backgrounds. What we all have in common is our know-how and many years of experience in mail-order and e-commerce. At our locations in Berlin and Bayreuth, as well as with colleagues in several European countries, we work daily on the implementation of customised campaigns and the expansion of our partner network. Due to the internationality of our team we are able to realise national as well as international campaigns all in-house.

Alexander Lange

Christian Massierer


Gerne hilft Ihnen das Sales Team weiter

Sales Department

Tel:  +49 (0)30 992 11 92 44
Fax: +49 (0)30 992 11 92 01

Promenadeplatz 8
80333 München

Tel: +49 (0)30 992 11 92 00
Fax: +49 (0)30 992 11 92 01

Get in touch with our experts

Would you like to start an advertising campaign?
Do you have any questions about becoming a distribution partner?
Or can we help you with another request?
Use the corresponding form.


für Media- und Paketbeilagen

Sie verteilen unsere Flyer und erhalten dafür eine Vergünstigung
Sie können Ihre Versandplätze ab 2.000 Warensendungen/Monat mit einer Werbekampagne verrechnen.



Allgemeine Anfrage

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for media- and package inserts

You distribute our flyers and receive a discount
If you send 2,000 or more packages/month, you can offset your shipping slots against an advertising campaign.

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Contact form

General request

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